BUILT-IN HOOD - Our kids rain jacket has an attached hood that will never go missing. No more frustration or wasting time searching for hats with our little kids and big kids rain jacket. The attached hood saves precious time so kids get the maximum joy from romping and stomping outside. Our rain jackets for kids with hood keep kids warm and dry while they play and explore.
EASY SNAP CLOSURE - Oakiwear, an innovative, outdoor gear specialty company, began when a mother of young children decided to redesign children’s outerwear to be cute, sensible, and simple – for both parents and kids. Our little kids rain jacket has snaps that are easy to close and undo, so kids can dress themselves. With so many adorable design options, we are sure to have one that suits your young explorer.
KID-FRIENDLY DESIGNS - Our waterproof rain jacket kids adore is available in many fun colors and designs. You’re sure to find the perfect one your little adventurer will love to wear. We have blue/white stripes, clouds, dinosaurs, mermaids, wildlife animals, raindrops, outer space, camo, owls, construction riggs, solid colors with vibrant accents, and even a traditional yellow rain jacket.
SIMPLE WEAR AND CARE - Wash our kids rain jacket in the washing machine in cool/warm water and then hang it to dry. Kids will find endless uses and giggles in our children’s rain jacket. After they have had many adventures and it needs to be washed, just launder it in the washing machine for easy cleaning. Wear, wash, repeat – it’s that simple. See our matching rainboots and umbrellas as well!